Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Drive launched to curb mini-motos

(Ed: Thank goodness John Reid has not heard of the Middle East crisis. It's nice to see a baby at play.)

A new crackdown on yobs who cause misery to communities by illegally riding "mini-moto" scooters has been launched.

Home Secretary John Reid said: "Misuse of mini-motos is dangerous and is causing misery in too many of our local communities.

"These vehicles are not toys and I want to see irresponsible drivers stopped and if necessary their bikes crushed."

He added: "I know people are experiencing increasing problems from the menace of misused mini-motos. This must stop. It is not acceptable to ride these vehicles on our streets or parks and the guidance we are giving to police and users is clear - irresponsible use will be punished."

The Home Office has issued a guide to owners of the motorised bikes setting out how to use them within the law.

Reckless riders of mini-motos - which can have a top speed of 60mph - can have their vehicles confiscated and crushed.

Under the existing law they can also receive a fine, points on their licence or a driving ban.

Even if reckless riders are too young to hold a licence, points can be applied to their name in advance making it more difficult or impossible to become a driver when they turn 17.

It is illegal to ride unregistered mini-motos and similar off-roading vehicles on roads, pavements and in parks.

They can only be used on private land where permission has been granted for them to be ridden.

Drive launched to curb mini-motos