Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Attorney General fined £5000 for breaking the her own law

You can't make this stuff up.

Baroness Scotland, the government's chief legal adviser who oversees criminal prosecutions in England and Wales and helped take legislation on employing illegal workers through Parliament when she was a Home Office minister has broken the same law.

She has now been fined £5000 for employing an illegal immigrant as her housekeeper.

The Prime Minister Gordon Brown says that as it was only a technical breach she does not have to resign or get the sack.

How far will Gordon and his gang sink before finding some principles.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Harriet Harman fouls up

That well known product of private education, wealth and privilege with at least one Sir, Ladies and Lord in the family tree, yes champion of the poor inadequate lower classes and now women and minorities and husband of the Labour party treasurer who was unaware of the Labour party loans scandal Harriet Harman.

Well in her official position as Government Equalities Office boss she had a taxpayer-funded fact sheet produced for schools about Women in Power, marking the milestones of female politicians.

Some how Margaret Thatcher was left out of the document. Like marmite you might love or hate her but she was the first, and so far the only, female Prime Minister in British history.

How can you make a mistake like that?

Would you give Ms H responsibility to spend your money?