Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Labour Police now knock in the night

This story should give you thoughts of there by the grace God go I and give you shivers up your spine.

In Labour Britain the police now think the nighttime call is a proper way of conducting their business. Have they lost complete touch with commonsense?

Will we ever recover from the damage Labour have done?

Why Labour should never be let near the purse strings again

If anyone out there still believes that the Labour party should ever be elected again read this.

I grew up in the sixties and as a young lad I believed in the socialist dream going so far as to join the Labour Party. Unfortunately along came the Wilson/Callaghan government, IMF bailout, winter of discontent, sadly etc, etc, etc..

I saw the election of the first Thatcher government and stood in disbelief as the massed battalions of the unions let her savage the people while they looked after themselves.

We have had two Labour governments in my life so far and both have destroyed the finances of the people. They are clueless with money apart from being able to accumulate money for themselves.

Socialism is a nightmare.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Labour's “open door” immigration policy put UK at risk

Labour's “open door” immigration policy knowingly risked allowing dangerous people to settle in Britain unchecked, according to documents seen by The Sunday Times

That's a surprise - I don't think.

The article goes on to show how the Labour Goverment have broken the law to cover the situation up.

That's a surprise - I don't think.

Another thing I am not surprised about is that the sinking ship is springing leaks all over the place

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Another joy of our beloved New Labour government is the Investigatory Powers Act.

Contrary to undertakings given at the time the law was introduced it has been used for countless, yes countless, trival uses by Local Aurthorities. Of course originally we were told it was to protect us from terrorism,

Some times the stupidity of this Labour government beggers belief.

Jenny Paton is taking her council to court as they used the above act to check her child's school appliction.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Another New Labour scare bites the dust

How can any organisation be so wrong so many times and still find people to follow it.

Apparently the obesity in children scare is not as bad as we have been told. A new analysis of data shows the predicted huge increase in numbers of obese children has to be significantly downgraded.

We are being led by donkeys.

source article