Monday, March 19, 2007

£19bn for NHS but only £6bn for patient care

More Health Service money has gone on pay rises over the past four years than on improving patient care, an analysis has shown.

Of the extra £19billion that has been ploughed into the NHS since 2003, £6.6billion has been spent on improved pay for doctors and nurses, says the report by King's Fund.

This compares with only £5.9billion for improvements such as cutting waiting times, employing extra staff and enabling the elderly to leave hospital sooner.

The analysis also claims that despite their huge pay rises, GPs and hospital consultants have been doing less work.

Consultants have seen their pay go up by 70 per cent, yet their productivity has fallen by 20 per cent as judged by the number of in-patients admitted per consultant, says King's Fund - an independent charitable foundation working for better health.

More than 90 per cent of GPs have opted out of their responsibility to see patients outside working hours.

King's Fund chief economist John Appleby said: 'This NHS could have got more for its money, and could have used all that extra money more efficiently for patient benefit. 'For example, it could have ensured a productivity clause was inserted in the consultants' contracts.'

The analysis found that of the £19billion, £6.6billion - 34 per cent - had gone on increased pay.

The rising cost of drugs and the implementation of guidance from the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence accounted for £2.2billion.

Some £1.6billion went on hiring more doctors to comply with new European Union employment laws cutting the number of hours people could work.

Although this put more medics on the NHS payroll, they do the same amount of work as fewer staff did before, said King's Fund.

New buildings and equipment accounted for another £1.1billion, and £1billion was spent on medical equipment. Another £600million was spent on payouts after negligence lawsuits.

This left only £5.9billion for solid improvements to patient care, said the analysis found.

NHS funding has leapt from £ 35billion when Labour took office to £92billion in 2007/08. But the rises are expected to slow sharply after 2008. A survey of NHS trust chief executives last month found that more than two-thirds blamed the financial problems of the NHS on rising pay for GPs and consultants.

One said there had been 'funding increases like we never dreamed and we blew it'.

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