Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Labour Party embarrassments

Labour Party embarrassments.

1. Khan
2. Unions
3. Communist(Socialist) crimes
3.1. Castro
4. Electronic surveillance
5. Economics
5.1. Labour and PFI
6. Coal mines
7. School milk
8. NHS
9. Corbyn
10. Racism in the Labour Party
11. Labour jobs for the boys
12. Election promises
13. Labour member crimes
14. Diane Abbott
15. Liberal/Leftie hypocrites
        15.1 Ken Loach
        15.2. Stephen Fry


1. Khan
This is Khan’s seventh broken promise in eight months…

Speaking in City Hall this morning Sadiq Khan has completely rubbished Corbyn's dilution of workers rights attack line

Sadiq Khan’s office insists he he never got it and yet this afternoon a copy of the fares advice offered to his team just days after his election win arrived in my inbox and it shows he could have

he has “ratted” on an election pledge to make 50 per cent of new homes in London “genuinely affordable”.new planning guidance showing that developers will be given favourable treatment if their schemes include only 35 per cent affordable housing.

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2. Unions
Labour Party member and Unionist Steve Hedley (Senior Assistant General Secretary, RMT) says "I think all the Tories an absolute disgrace. They should be taken out and shot to be quite frank so there you are." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3979482/Christmas-commuter-hell-Southern-rail-drivers-announce-plans-strike-total-NINE-DAYS-New-Year.html
By Joe Haines, Press Secretary To Harold Wilson 1969-1976
I was working as then Prime Minister Harold Wilson’s press secretary when we tried buying off the unions as inflation rampaged upwards in 1974. Sid Weighell, leader of the National Union of Railwaymen, bravely denounced his fellow union leaders for putting their ‘snouts in the trough’. But then he rejected a craven offer of a 29 per cent (yes, 29 per cent!) pay increase for his members. So we offered him 33 per cent — which he grudgingly accepted.
Some snout! Some trough!

Did the unions back then care that they were damaging the country at a time of crisis? Were they concerned that they might bring down the Labour government they had so vociferously supported at a general election a few weeks earlier? Can a brick float?

Did buying them off work? No, of course not.

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Mr Cash defended a £6,000 bonus on top of his salary. The annual travel perk covers the cost of getting to work by car and train season tickets. Accounts show Mr Cash claimed £3,204 on car allowances and £2,935 on public transport in 2015. It was claimed the amounts have been kept secret for the last two years. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/rmt-union-boss-denies-plotting-strike-stitchup-for-commuters-a3439851.html

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3. Communist(Socialist) crimes
3.1. Castro

how it was actually better for Cubans than life after Castro. From American Thinker:

How did Cubans live under Batista? The standard of living of Cubans then was higher than that in any other Latin American nation. Caloric consumption was as high as in any other Latin American nation in the western hemisphere except America and Canada, and it was much higher in protein than in most other Latin American nations. Cuban infant mortality under Batista was lower than in France or Italy. Batista set up mobile health units for rural areas. He mandated compulsory industrial insurance for workers and enacted minimum-wage and eight-hour-workday laws.

Literacy in Cuba under Batista was among the lowest in Latin America. Cubans also owned more radios and televisions per capita than any other people in Latin America, and there were many independent radio and television stations Cubans could turn to for news and entertainment. There were also a number of independent newspapers and magazines, many of which were critical of the Batista government.

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4. Electronic surveillance
this was the party which, during 13 years in power, hugely added to the surveillance state; which passed the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, leading to councils snooping on our wheelie bins and, in one famous case, to Poole Council spying on a couple wrongly suspected of faking their address in order to get their child into a better school.

It is the party which empowered agencies of the state to retain information on our emails and phone calls, which was happy to see our streets plastered with CCTV cameras.

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5. Economics

5.1. Labour and PFI
The full, mind-boggling cost of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) under the so-called socialist Labour Party has been revealed. More than 900 schemes cost £56 billion to build yet the taxpayer will have to repay some £229 billion. One gross example the Princess Royal University Hospital in Bromley cost the contractor £118 million to build but we will have to pay £1.2 billion. Thank you Brown/Balls you idiots.

In 1997 Labour inherited a budget that was actually in balance. After a decade under the Tories, the public finances had finally been brought under control. But after four years in office Gordon Brown took out the country's credit card and let rip. By the end of 2009-10 our annual deficit had ballooned to £170.8 billion.

Nasty Labour spent 13 years sucking up to the Bankers in order to borrow billions.

"Well, I don't spend a lot of money, I lead a very normal life, I ride a bicycle and I don't have a car," Corbyn told The Guardian earlier this year.

Mind you he did only got an E in drawing and drama in a private school and has no other formal education.

Lest we forget - To their eternal shame the Unions, after bringing down the Labour government and helping Thatcher to get elected, did not fight Thatcher as strongly as they had against the Labour government. No matter how they complain now Union leaders queued up to have tea and biscuits with Thatcher.

Lest we forget - Prior to Margaret Thatcher's election, under the previous Labour government, there had been the "winter of discontent", a sustained period of Union strikes that left rubbish piled in the streets, the died unburied, electricity cut off for hours every day. The Unions helped get Thatcher elected and brought down the Labour government.

Lest we forget - For those who are younger one of the main reason for Margaret Thatcher getting elected was that the outgoing Labour Government had ruined the economy, yes they have done it twice now. The UK had to borrow from the IMF who were telling the UK what to do just like Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, etc., are being told today.

Lest we forget - Margaret Thatcher was elected three times by the British public who agreed with her policies. She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century and is the only woman to have held the office.

In 2013 Millionaire Labour leader Ed Miliband trumpeted he would freeze energy prices if he was elected. Unfortunately for dimwit millionaire Ed his "policy" didn't take into account that prices can also go down, as they are at the moment. Now he has to "re-brand" his "policy" as a "cap" because people would have been forced to pay a "frozen" higher price.

This article explains the details of UK National Debt Interest payments. In 2010 they were some 40billion a year.

This article explains the details of UK Government spending and show Government spending doubled and Labour

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6. Coal mines
Wilson, the Labour prime minister, closed 251 coal mines. Thatcher closed 154. Again a socialist lie to cover their own guilt. Nasty bunch.

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7. School milk
It was the Labour government under Harold Wilson which commenced the "snatching" of childrens school milk when it cancelled milk for all 11-18 year olds, more than Tories did. Under the Ted Heath Conservative government, Thatcher was Education Minister, milk was "snatched" from 7-11 year olds. Infant classes carried on receiving school milk until around 1980 there were no loud protests when it petered out. Socialists even lie about childrens milk. Nasty lot.

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8. NHS
in Labour-run Wales elderly patients are being forced to wait for up to 24 hours in corridors with their coats as pillows http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4114944/Jeremy-Corbyn-blames-Tories-NHS-crisis-look-Labour-run-Wales.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/2593085.stm http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/nhs-rejects-red-cross-humanitarian-crisis-claim-as-labour-calls-for-700m-cash-boost-a3435291.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2077784/Labours-botched-PFI-deals-sent-NHS-costs-soaring.html Back to top of page


9. Corbyn

The Labour leader Jerry Corbyn has said that he would change the law to allow the return of flying pickets.

Labour leader Jerry Corbyn says walkouts in support of workers from another industry should be legal in UK.

The Telegraph stands with commuters against Jeremy Corbyn and the union militants

Corbyn's speech to his mates at the Fabian Society on the 12th Jan 2017.
"The people who run Britain have rigged the economy and business rules to line the pockets of their friends. The truth is the system simply doesn’t work for most people. Labour under my leadership stands for a complete break with this rigged system."

Jeremy Corbyn calls for maximum wage law

I would join striking Southern staff on picket line, says Corbyn

For years, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn was on the side of leaving the bureaucratic empire that is the European Union. With his rise to leadership of that party, Corbyn has had a change of heart and now fully buys into the EU propaganda of the political elite.


Gormless had a private and grammer school education at the end of which he gained two E passes in drawing and drama. He then failed to complete his course at college and then failed to gain a real job. He could not even fill in a tax return correctly and he thinks he is clever enough to tell you and me what we should do with our lives.


Watson to vote for and Gormless against

Corbyn Promise

Private pensions pay less because idiot Labour man Gordon Brown looted them of 5 billion a year, 5 x 13 = 65 billion stolen and wasted. Never trust Labour again.

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10. Racism in the Labour Party
is largely a crisis of perceptions Corbyn's momentum leader
http://order-order.com/2016/05/04/two-more-jews-rant-labour-councillors/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+guidofawkes+%28Guy+Fawkes%27+blog+of+parliamentary+plots%2C+rumours+and+conspiracy%29 http://labour-uncut.co.uk/2016/05/03/corbyn-and-livingstone-cannot-now-both-survive-within-the-labour-party/? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/02/labour-has-secretly-suspended-50-members-for-anti-semitic-and-ra/

Melvyn's comment
We should be talking about this rather than a few dozen Jew-haters in the Labour Party. All party's contain them if you look hard enough they have been around for thousands of years and will continue to be so. The right wing press see the insincere witch hunt as the perfect diversion to try and claw back some voters in this weeks elections.


Nazi Ed Balls http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2211486/The-Nazi-uniform-It-just-laugh-Balls-brushes-university-prank-saying-embarrassed-photo.html
Gideon Falter, chairman of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, published a report that shows a ‘growth in anti-Semitism as a core part of far-Left’ ideology. The problem is no longer Islamists and neo-Nazi.


Of course all major far right fascist leaders were failed socialists. So far right = socialism.
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11. Labour jobs for the boys

Labour MP Jamie Reed resigns to take job in nuclear industry

Labour's Tristram Hunt quitting as MP to head V&A Museum http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38608825

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12. Election promises

Labour would take failed care homes into public ownership, Jeremy Corbyn pledges https://www.politicshome.com/news/uk/health-and-care/social-care/news/82386/labour-would-take-failed-care-homes-public-ownership

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13. Labour member crimes

A RISING star of Labour has been axed after appearing in court over child sex offences. https://www.politicshome.com/news/uk/health-and-care/social-care/news/82386/labour-would-take-failed-care-homes-public-ownership

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14. Diane Abbott
Diane Abbott has been accused of 'bottling' the historic Brexit decision today after she was suddenly taken ill hours before the historic Commons vote.

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15. Liberal/Leftie hypocritesbr />

15.1. Ken Loach
Britain is ruled by a ‘callous’, ‘brutal’ and ‘disgraceful’ government that ‘must be removed’. And this will happen in the coming struggle between ‘the rich and the powerful’ and ‘the rest of us’.

15.2. Stephen Fry
“It’s a great shame and we’re all very sorry that your uncle touched you in that nasty place – you get some of my sympathy – but your self-pity gets none of my sympathy because self-pity is the ugliest emotion in humanity.”

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--------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/415195/shocked-labour-chiefs-found-out-rising-star-sean-morton-is-facing-child-sex-charges-after-we-told-them/ PFI in Scotland --------------- http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14432710.__30_billion__The_cost_of_Labour_s_toxic_PFI_legacy_to_Scotland/?ref=ebln For years, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn was on the side of leaving the bureaucratic empire that is the European Union. With his rise to leadership of that party, Corbyn has had a change of heart and now fully buys into the EU propaganda of the political elite. disposable income. ------------------ http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/disposable-income-soars-in-birmingham-11204498?ptnr_rid=257870&icid=EM_BirminghamMail_Nletter_News_Home_smallteaser_Text_Story6 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3560745/High-earners-foot-bill-nearly-half-adults-don-t-pay-income-tax-1-pay-2020-rise-personal-allowance-12-500.html#ixzz473yRHvlZ Dodgy Labour MP --------------- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36046675 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3537799/Cherie-Blair-son-Euan-saved-thousands-tax-buying-string-flats-property-portfolio-controversial-change-stamp-duty.html jailbird skinner http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-36167299 Blair http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/how-tony-blairs-family-built-11231374?ptnr_rid=263120&icid=EM_MEN_Nletter_DailyNews_News_largeteaser_Text_Story2 Corbyn ------- Muslim ------ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3537652/Swindon-takeaway-chef-prepared-food-wiping-bottom-bare-hands-doesn-t-use-toilet-paper-cultural-reasons.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3535838/Who-wants-suicide-bomber-Girls-Nigeria-killers-bear-constant-hunger-abuse-hands-Boko-Haram.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3694164/Pakistani-man-arms-cut-refuses-convert-Islam-kidnapped-Muslim-extremists.html Food Banks --------- Day one Trussell Trust claimed 1 million people need food from food banks. Labour and the Unions blame Tory policies. Day two Trussell Trust say oh that should be 500,000 and 85% have only come once. So 425, came once and 75, came twice or more. As usual hysterical claims by Labour and it's fellow travellers come to nothing and no apologies. Nasty bunch. Doctors strike -------------- http://order-order.com/2016/04/26/junior-doctors-its-all-about-the-money/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+guidofawkes+%28Guy+Fawkes%27+blog+of+parliamentary+plots%2C+rumours+and+conspiracy%29 More hysterical rubbish from Labour and its hangers-on. Labour may be stupid, well after ruining the UK economy TWICE there is not a lot of doubt on that one, but the Tories are not and privatising the NHS won't get many votes. The disgraceful strike action by bullying Unions is about money pure and simple. The government wants a modern NHS where patients can get proper safe treatment on a Saturday and Sunday. They have offered Doctors more money for that change but the Union wants to retain extra pay privileges for working on a Saturday and Sunday and they don't care about patients. Hysterical claims about NHS privatisation are a nasty smoke screen for usual bullying Union action to get more money for their members without thought for the ordinary people.. Labour have privatised more of the NHS than the Tories have, as well you know, and that is before we count the number of hospitals they sold to the private sector in the PFI scandal. NHS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36184760 Miners strike ------------- http://news.sky.com/story/1075351/miners-strike-margaret-thatchers-triumph http://order-order.com/quote/quote-of-the-day-48/#_@/eaLOmb0ITjbZeQ Danny Finkelstein calls for an inquiry into the Miners’ Strike: “…let’s have an inquiry into the way thousands of people were trying to stop lorry drivers going about their business in a free country. And about the barrage of bottles, stones and broken fencing thrown at the drivers. Let’s inquire into the intimidation of working miners in their homes and as they made their way to their jobs, choosing to work rather than obey a strike called without a ballot. Let’s inquire into the death of David Wilkie and try to find out what was in all those maps and papers Kim Howells felt he urgently needed to dispose of. Let’s find out what the hundreds of miners in Merthyr Vale were thinking when they decided that the appropriate reaction to the guilty verdict on the men who orphaned Wilkie’s young children was to walk out in support of the killers rather than the dead man. Let’s have an inquiry into the way that Arthur Scargill brought the dispute about and the role of his union and its supporters in the encouragement of what became major incidents of public disorder. Let’s look at the role of left-wing fringe organisations and outsiders in mobilising menacing groups designed to frighten others into complying with their political demands. And maybe we could call someone from the KGB and the former Soviet government before the inquiry. We could try to find out about more about how they funnelled money to the NUM.” Dodgy Labour supporters ----------------------- http://order-order.com/2015/06/22/voice-of-angel-to-critics-hopfeully-your-dick-will-fall-off/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+guidofawkes+%28Guy+Fawkes%27+blog+of+parliamentary+plots%2C+rumours+and+conspiracy%29#_@/UFfV9eyPZ2E6Ag http://order-order.com/2015/06/21/anti-austerity-protesters-turn-on-russell-brand/#_@/kEtJ4ndy7_FAjA Austerity http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2346254/I-wont-reverse-cuts-I-PM-says-Miliband-Election-pledge-austerity-budgets.html Migration http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/9348653/Labour-knew-immigration-was-out-of-control-seven-years-ago-says-former-minister.html Tom Watson ----------- Good News - Labour Party Election Chief Tom Watson gets the chop over the rigging of elections. Oh by the way he is the man who crusaded against Murdoch over his dodgy phone dealings. Obviously it takes one to spot one. Watson has never had a real job and dumped his wife of 11 years and two children and 4 months later 45 year old Watson is now happy with a 25 year old replacement. He was also the man who started the erroneous Tory peado fuss ........ dodgy donation https://www.politicshome.com/news/uk/political-parties/labour-party/news/77270/tom-watson-receives-%C2%A3200000-former-motor-racing Chief of Staff at Unite Union Andrew Murray, ------------------------------------------------ a member of the Communist party of Britain, says . “Communism still represents, in my view, a society worth working towards – albeit not by the methods of the 20th century, which failed.” Steve Hedley (Senior Assistant General Secretary, RMT) ------------------------------------------------------------ "I think all the Tories an absolute disgrace. They should be taken out and shot to be quite frank so there you are." http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/02/jeremy-corbyn-uk-cannot-must-not-close-borders-to-eu-workers Labour at the lies and smears again. Mr McBride, ----------------------------------------------- a proven Labour Party liar and sacked for it, is back as a Senior Advisor and upto his tricks again. Have Labour no shame. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/04/top-labour-spin-doctors-advice-to-brexit-campaign-exposed-after/? On 11 April 2009 he resigned his position after it emerged on a political blog that he and another prominent Labour Party supporter, blogger Derek Draper, had exchanged emails discussing the possibility of disseminating rumours McBride had fabricated about the private lives of some Conservative Party politicians and their spouses. The emails from McBride had been sent from his No. 10 Downing Street email account. he was working as Brown's special adviser McBride was revealed to have sent an email to Sky Television in December 2006 in which he attacked it for using Stephen Byers and Alan Milburn, two former cabinet ministers who had been close to Tony Blair as Labour commentators. In 2015, he returned to a senior role in the Labour party John McDonnell ------------------- http://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/john-mcdonnell-im-sorry-for-calling-labour-mps-f-useless-a3297741.html Dodgy Labour Politician https://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2015/sep/23/the-sun-is-right-to-be-outraged-about-police-decision-over-lord-sewel?CMP=share_btn_fb https://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2015/sep/23/the-sun-is-right-to-be-outraged-about-police-decision-over-lord-sewel?CMP=share_btn_fb ------------------------------------------------------- Labour Government Legacy - Ruined UK economy throwing millions into poverty, illegal war in Iraq causing the death of countless thousands, unleashing Isis and other islamic extremists on the world, caused record immigration without building the required schools and hospitals, caused countless children to fall into the hands of organised sex predators for fear of upsetting the predators, privatised more of the NHS than the Tories. etc., etc., etc..

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