Monday, October 31, 2005

Blunkett fouls up yet again

DAVID BLUNKETT has admitted breaking the Code of Conduct For Ministers by taking a job at a firm linked to the Government.

The Work And Pensions Secretary became a non-executive director of DNA Bioscience in April after he was forced to resign as Home Secretary.

Under the code, Mr Blunkett was obliged to inform a special advisory committee about his appointment.

He did not do so, despite a previous warning from the committee when he failed to notify them of an earlier role with lobbying firm Indepen.

Shadow Leader of the House of Commons Chris Grayling said: “There needs to be an urgent inquiry into Mr Blunkett’s conduct.”

A spokesman for the minister said: “Mr Blunkett was involved with DNA Bioscience for two weeks, which fell during the general election and while Parliament was prorogued (dissolved).

“Had Mr Blunkett not returned to government, there would have been time to seek clarification in regards to the committee, accepting as he does its helpful role.

“He believed that he was acting within the ministerial code, but with hindsight it might have been better if he had written to the committee prior to Parliament returning.

“Mr Blunkett has asked the Secretary to the Cabinet to clarify the procedure to avoid any confusion in future.”

from Keith Gladdis at N.O.W.

Ed: Shame Mr Blunkett doesn't ask his own sense of honour if he has done anything wrong in relation to his elevated position in our democracy.

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