Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Former CND protester Tony Blair loves nuclear dispite Chernobyl

Former CND protester Tony Blair said Tuesday his government has not ruled out building new nuclear power plants as it strives to meet international targets to cut global warming.

In his monthly news conference, Blair said the need to address climate change and ensure a secure energy supply for Britain meant he could not rule out a new building program, as the country's aging nuclear plants are phased out over the coming 10 to 15 years.

"The reasons why it has got to go on the agenda, and I am not expressing a concluded view, are security of supply and global warming," said Blair.

"There will be a debate about that, but it should be conducted with an open mind, I hope, by everybody. The issue of energy is, in my view, going to start to come centre stage, not just in our own politics but in the politics of other similar countries, and that is for a very simple reason."

"We have a very ambitious renewables target and there are obviously issues there that we have got to address and get right," he said.

Britain's energy strategy unit has advised ministers that nuclear power must play a major role if Britain is to meet the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. Blair has acknowledged in the past his government must reassure people about the costs and safety of building more nuclear plants.

Ed: Like on a number of issues the reality of power has changed Tony's point of view on nuclear power. So again it seems that in opposition Tony was either stupid or a liar. Either way unfit for his job don't you think.

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