Thursday, January 19, 2006



A GRANDMOTHER who has lived in Britain since she was a baby is being deported to America.

Dawn Woodcock, 44 - born in South Carolina to an American father - was brought to England as an 18-month-old baby by her British mum in 1963.

She went to school here, got married, had four children and got a job.

But now the Home Office has given her just two weeks to pack up and leave.

Yesterday she protested: "I'm in the most ridiculous situation. If I leave here I've got nothing. I'm desperate.

All my schooling, everything has been here and I'm terrified of having to leave."

Her youngest daughter Sarah, 22, said: "I cannot believe that my mum may be thrown out of the country. She's lived here all her life, held down a job and paid her taxes like every hardworking British citizen.

"The whole thing is a farce and we're all praying that the Home Office sees sense and she's allowed to stay." Dawn will be separated from her other children Carlene, 27, Christopher, 25, Stephanie, 24, and her 11 grandchildren, the youngest of whom is just a baby.

Dawn, who has worked as a classroom assistant and school dinner lady, had never left the country until last November when she flew on a US passport to meet her dad Ron Woodcock and family in Las Vegas.

But she was picked up by immigration officials when she arrived back at Manchester Airport.

A chance remark led to her world being turned upside down. Handing back her passport, an official wished her a happy holiday and she replied that she had been living in Telford, Shrops, for the last 42 years.

She was immediately warned that she would be deported back to the country of her birth unless she successfully applied for British citizenship.

Dawn, who has been married twice, said: "The joy of my first trip abroad and meeting my half-sisters in the States for the first time has been completely ruined.

"I've worked and paid my taxes here and none of this seems right. My mum's in a hell of a state about it.

Nobody wants me to go." Dawn, whose grandparents on both sides are British, was brought to the UK after her mum Sylvia Crompton, now 67, split from her dad.

However, the Home Office insists that she should have applied for dual nationality years earlier to be recognised as a British citizen.

Without it, in the eyes of officials she is an American. A spokeswoman said they could not comment on individual cases but said people entering the UK had to satisfy officials of their right to stay.

She added: "For those seeking entry as returning residents, they must meet a number of conditions including having the right to remain in the UK."

Dawn said: "I've always known I am an American citizen. I've always answered 'American' to any nationality questions on forms. However, having lived here nearly all my life, it never occurred to me that once I had left the country I would have trouble getting back in."
(from Rod Chaytor at The Daily Mirror)

(ED: Dawn obviously does not know the rules. She has to have dinner with a chap over at the immigration office at Croyden. He will stamp her card and give the correct papers.

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