Wednesday, January 11, 2006

P.M. Blair's authority on the wane so U turn on smoking

A complete ban on smoking in all English pubs and clubs looks increasingly likely after the Labour government said on Wednesday it would allow its M.P's to vote according to conscience and not along party lines.

The move averts a likely parliamentary revolt and possible defeat for Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose plans, listed in the parties manifesto in the last election, propose a smoking ban which would exempt pubs which do not serve food and private clubs.

Many M.P's in Blair's Labour party, including some Cabinet members, want a total ban and surveys show most Britons support smoke-free pubs and bars.

A partial ban would put England at odds with Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland which have either completely banned smoking in indoor public places or have announced plans to do so.

Blair's government bowed to pressure from its Members of Parliament after several of them put forward an amendment to remove the exemptions in the law, which is due to take effect in mid 2007.

"Following discussions ... it is the government's intention to allow its Members of Parliament -- including ministers -- a free vote on the amendment," Blair's spokesman told reporters.

The spokesman said the decision on the vote, which will take place in February, reflected a change in the public mood.

But it also means Blair, who has seen his authority wane since announcing he would stand down before an election due by 2010, will avoid a potentially embarrassing defeat.

Fewer than 40 Labour M.P's can defeat Blair by siding with opposition parties after last May's election more than halved his majority. He suffered his first ever parliamentary defeat last year, on anti-terrorism laws.

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