Monday, January 02, 2006

Violent crime up again

The use of weapons in all types of violent crime increased last year, according to new Home Office figures.

Weapons including knives, clubs, firearms, stones and glasses or bottles were used in 24% of violent incidents in 2004-05, compared with 21% the previous year. All categories measured by the British Crime Survey, which interviews thousands of people about their experiences of crime, showed a rise of between 1% and 6%.

Weapons were used in 26% of common assaults, up from 20%.

Attacks between "acquaintances" also featured weapons in 33% of cases, up nearly 5% on the previous year.

Robberies - previously the subject of a high-profile crackdown driven by Prime Minister Tony Blair - also showed a rise in weapons-use of 2% to 24%.

In all, knives were used in 6% of violent incidents, sticks, clubs or other hitting implements in 7%, glasses or bottles in 6% and firearms in 1%.

Home Office figures published in July showed that violence against the person incidents recorded by police in England and Wales have topped one million for the first time.

Total recorded violent crime - including sexual offences and robbery - stood at 1,184,702 in 2004-05, up 7% year on year.

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